
Multicharacter TriggerEvent : 0bug_Multicharacter:start

-- From Server Side: 
TriggerClientEvent('0bug_Multicharacter:start', source)

-- From Client Side:

Basic Settings

Customize = {
    DefaultCharSlot = 10,         -- Maximum character slots by default
    Rules = true,                 -- Enable/disable rules acceptance
    Lang = "en",                  -- Language setting (en, fr, es, etc.)

Character Management

-- Character Slot Settings
Tebex_Buy_Slot_Enable = true,              -- Enable purchasing extra slots
Tebex_Buy_Slot_Command = "buySlot",        -- Command to buy slots

-- Discord Integration
Discord_Slot_Enable = false,                -- Enable discord-based slots
Discord_Slot_Roles = {
    ["ROLE_ID"] = 2,                       -- Extra slots per role

-- Character Deletion
Enable_Delete = true,                       -- Allow character deletion
Enable_Delete_By_Discord = false,           -- Enable Discord-based deletion
Discord_Delete_Roles = {
    ["ROLE_ID"] = true,                    -- Roles that can delete

Character Creation Rules

MaxFirstNameLength = 18,
MaxLastNameLength = 11,
ForbiddenWords = {
        -- Profanity
        "fuck", "shit", "ass", "bitch", "bastard",
        -- Racial/Discriminatory
        "nigga", "nigger", "negro", "chink", "beaner",
        -- Sexual
        "sex", "cock", "dick", "penis", "pussy",
        -- Violence
        "kill", "murder", "rape", "terrorist",
        -- Game Terms
        "admin", "moderator", "mod", "staff", "owner",
        -- Misc Inappropriate
        "hitler", "nazi", "cocaine", "meth",
        -- Common Variants
        "fck", "fuk", "sht", "b1tch", "n1gga",
        -- Server Protection
        "console", "system", "server", "database",
        -- Placeholder Names
        "test", "player", "user", "character", "none",
        -- Numbers Only
        "123", "1234", "12345", "111", "000"

Spawn System

SpawnSelector = "0bug_Spawnselector",    -- Options: qb-spawn, custom
Default_Spawn_Locations = {
    [1] = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86),
    [2] = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86)
    SpawnSelectorTrigger = function(source, cData, FrameworkName, new)
        if Customize.SpawnSelector == "0bug_Spawnselector" then
            if new and Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment ~= nil and Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment then
                TriggerClientEvent('0bug_Spawnselector:OpenUI', source, cData.identifier, new)
            elseif new and
                (Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment == nil or Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment ==
                    false) then
                SpawnLocationsFormat = {}

                afterSpawnActionFunction = {
                    event = "createClothingMenu",
                    side = "client"

                for k, v in pairs(Customize.Default_Spawn_Locations) do
                    table.insert(SpawnLocationsFormat, {
                        name = "Location",
                        adress = "Location",
                        coords = v,
                        type = "pin"
                TriggerClientEvent('0bug_Spawnselector:CustomOpenUI', source, SpawnLocationsFormat,
                TriggerClientEvent('0bug_Spawnselector:OpenUI', source)
        elseif Customize.SpawnSelector == "qb-spawn" then
            if Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment == true and new == true then
                local randbucket = (GetPlayerPed(source) .. math.random(1, 999))
                SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, randbucket)
                TriggerClientEvent('apartments:client:setupSpawnUI', source, cData, new)
            elseif Customize.Private[FrameworkName].Apartment == false and new == true then
                randomIndex = math.random(1, #Customize.Default_Spawn_Locations)
                SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), Customize.Default_Spawn_Locations[randomIndex])
                TriggerClientEvent('qb-spawn:client:setupSpawns', source, cData, false, nil)
                TriggerClientEvent('qb-spawn:client:openUI', source, true)
            if new then
                randomIndex = math.random(1, #Customize.Default_Spawn_Locations)
                SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), Customize.Default_Spawn_Locations[randomIndex])
                while ZeroBug.PlayerData == nil or ZeroBug.PlayerData.position == nil do
                SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), ZeroBug.PlayerData.position.x, ZeroBug.PlayerData.position.y,

Framework-Specific Settings

LoadHouse should be set to true if you use our Spawn Selector V2 and enabled spawning at your own house.

Private = {
    ['QBCore'] = {
            RefreshCommand = true,
            Apartment = true,
            LoadHouse = false
        ['QBox'] = {
            RefreshCommand = true,
            LoadHouse = false
        ['ESX'] = {}

Starter Items

StarterGiveItem = true,
StarterGiveItemList = {
        ['QBCore'] = {{
            amount = 1,
            item = 'phone'
        }, {
            amount = 1,
            item = 'id_card'
        }, {
            amount = 1,
            item = 'driver_license'
        ['QBox'] = {{
            amount = 1,
            item = 'phone'
        }, {
            amount = 1,
            item = 'id_card'
        }, {
            amount = 1,
            item = 'driver_license'
        ['ESX'] = {{
            item = "water",
            amount = 1
        }, {
            item = "burger",
            amount = 1

Load Character Custom Code

LoadingCharacter = function(characterData)
    TriggerEvent("skinchanger:loadSkin", characterData.skin.skin)

Custom Clothing Script

We recommend keeping it false. If you have a custom clothing script then you can manage that under 0bug-core/client/tools/clothesSystem.lua

Custom_Clothes = false, 
Custom_Clothes_Creation_Character = function(data)


Music System

PlaySong = true, -- false if you don't want the music to start playing at UI display
MusicList = {
        title = "Song Title",
        artist = "Artist Name",
        artwork = "artwork_url",
        url = "song_url",
        id = "1"

Scene Creation Mode

CreateSceneMode = false,
-- Scene locations and animations are configured in the Locations table


All translations are under the locales/en.lua file

Locales['en'] = {
  aboutCharacter = {
    frontTitle = "CHARACTER",
    backTitle = "ABOUT",
    infoName = "Name",
    infoGender = "Gender",
    infoBirthday = "Birthday",
    infoJob = "Job",
    infoCash = "Cash",
    infoBank = "Bank",
    playButton = "Play",
    deleteCharacter = "Delete Character",
    handleDeleteActionBox = {
        text = "Are you sure you want to delete your character?",
        actionButton = "YES, DELETE",
  actionBox = {
    actionBoxCancel = "CANCEL",
  calendar = {
    daysOfWeek = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"},
    months = {
    selectDate = "Select Date",
  characterBox = {
    lastPlay = {
        lastPlayed = "Last played",
        justNow = "just now",
        minute = "minute",
        hour = "hour",
        day = "day",
        ago = "ago",
  createCharacter = {
    frontTitle = "CHARACTER",
    backTitle = "REGISTER",
    firstName = "First Name",
    lastName = "Last Name",
    selectGender = "Select your gender",
    birthDay = "Birthday",
    male = "Male",
    female = "Female",
    nationalities = "Nationality",
    createButton = "CREATE",
    cancelButton = "CANCEL",
  extraSlot = {
    titleOne = "Extra",
    titleTwo = "Slot",
    description = "Enter your Tebex transaction ID to verify your extra character slot purchase. Check your payment confirmation email or receipt for the ID.",
    inputPlaceholder = "Tebex Purchase ID here...",
    claimButton = "Claim Your Extra Slot",
  favoriteCharacter = {
    frontTitle = "CHARACTER",
    backTitle = "FAVORITE",
  music = {
    frontTitle = "PLAYER",
    backTitle = "MUSIC",
  rules = {
    frontTitle = "RULES",
    backTitle = "RULES",
    signatur = "Signature",
    description = "Click on the box to sign so you can Continue",
    acceptButton = "ACCEPT",
    cancelButton = "CANCEL",
  selectCharacter = {
    frontTitle = "CHARACTER",
    backTitle = "SELECT",
    notFound = "Not Found",
    description = "Here you can choose between your characters, or create a new one if necessary.",
  settings = {
    title = "Settings",
    positioning = "Positioning",
    vertical = "Vertical Layout",
    horizontal = "Horizontal Layout",
    description = "Select an option to change the Multicharacter layout. It applies instantly; click 'Save' to confirm.",
    edit = "Edit",
    primaryColor = "Primary Color",
    primaryDescription = "Use the selector to change the primary color.",
    secondaryColor = "Secondary Color",
    secondaryDescription = "Use the selector to change the secondary color.",
    resetSettings = "Reset Settings",
    reset = "Reset",
    resetDescription = "Restore all settings to their default values.",
    cancelButton = "Cancel",
    saveButton = "Save",
  errorMessage = {
    warning = "WARNING",
    success = "SUCCESS",
    info = "INFO",
    firstName = "Please enter a valid first name for your character.",
    lastName = "Please enter a valid last name for your character.",
    gender = "You need to select your character's gender.",
    birthday = "Please enter your character's date of birth.",
    nationality = "Please select your character's nationality.",
    firstNameForbidden = "The first name contains forbidden words. Please choose a different name.",
    lastNameForbidden = "The last name contains forbidden words. Please choose a different surname.",

  progressBar = {
    text = "Final touches underway",
    text2 = "Just a sec",

  logoutCommandDescription = "Logout of Character",

Framework Configuration Guide

If you're using a different framework path/name (e.g., np-core instead of qb-core), you'll need to modify the threads.lua file in 0bug-core:

  1. Open 0bug-core/threads.lua

  2. Locate the GetFramework() function

  3. Modify the export paths according to your framework:

function GetFramework()
    local Get = nil
    -- For ESX with custom path
    if WIZ_CONFIG.Framework == "ESX" then
        Get = exports['your-es-extended-path']:getSharedObject()
        if Get == nil then
            while Get == nil do
                TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
    -- For QBCore with custom path (e.g., bl-core)
    if WIZ_CONFIG.Framework == "QBCore" then
        Get = exports["your-qb-path"]:GetCoreObject()  -- Example: exports["bl-core"]:GetCoreObject()
        if Get == nil then
            while Get == nil do
                TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
    -- For QBox with custom path 
     if WIZ_CONFIG.Framework == "QBox" then
        Get = exports['your-qbox-path']:GetCoreObject()
        if Get == nil then
            while Get == nil do
                Get = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    return Get

Important Notes

  1. Always backup your configuration before making changes

  2. Restart the resource after modifying the config

  3. Test changes in a development environment first

  4. Make sure all coordinates are valid for your server

Last updated