0bug-core (Latest Version)
ESX/QBCore/QBox Framework
Default framework multicharacter tables
Installation Steps
1. Dependencies First
2. Resource Installation
Place in your
folderAdd to your server.cfg:
Database Setup
Keep the same players/users table that your framework has.
4. Load Order
5. Required Discord Setup
Create a Discord Bot at Discord Developer Portal
Get your Bot Token
Enable required bot permissions
Get your Discord Server (Guild) ID
Add these to server_Config.lua
Check this tutoriel and take it as an example
6. Core Configuration
Configure 0bug-core/config.lua
Configure 0bug-core/scriptConfig.lua
Configure 0bug-core/server_Config.lua
Once you are done with that but you have a different Clothing or Apartments and Housing System than the ones pre-configured by us you will have to visit these paths
7. Visit Script Configuration Page.
Tebex Slot Purchase Integration
1. First enable Tebex integration in your config:
In your Tebex store:
Create the character slot package
Go to the package settings
Choose Game Server Commands as deliverables for this package
Under "Game Command", add:
The {transaction} parameter will automatically be replaced with the transaction ID
When a player purchases a slot:
They will receive an email with the transaction ID
They can enter this ID in the "Extra Slot" menu in-game
The system will verify the purchase and grant the additional slot
Important Notes
Make sure your Tebex store is properly connected to your FiveM server
The command must match exactly what you set in Tebex_Buy_Slot_Command
Keep Tebex_Buy_Slot_Enable = true to allow this functionality
Verify Installation
Start your server
Create new character
Check if all features work properly
Important for ESX and QBox Users
For ESX Go to es_extended configuration and make sure you have these 2 options set to 'true'
For QBox Go to client -> config.lua and make sure you have this option set to true.
Last updated