Discover how to config your script.
To ensure you have everything you need, we are constantly updating our config files.
-- Change the framework to 'QB' or 'ESX':
zr_config.framework = 'QB'
-- If you have custom frameworks names, you can change them here:
zr_config.QB = 'qb-core'
zr_config.ESX = 'es_extended'
-- Enable/Disable Locations.
zr_config.OnlyLastLocation = false -- Changing it to true will only show 'Last Location' option.
zr_trans.last = "Last Location."
zr_trans.lastinfo = "You will spawn in your last location"
-- Here you can translate the script to the language you prefer
zr_trans.spawn = "Spawn here."
zr_trans.spawnlast = "Spawn at last location"
-- Here you can add/remove locations
-- label: the name that will be displayed in the menu.
-- adress: the adresse of the location or a small description about it.
-- coords: the camera coords.
-- rot: the camera rotation.
-- spawn: Where player should spawn.
-- job: the name of the job, if player don't have the job he will not be able to see the location
zr_config.zr_locations = {
name = "cityhall",
label = "City Hall",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
coords = vector3(-532.52, -237.43, 49.22),
rot = vector3(-23.58, -0.0, 17.22),
spawn = vector4(-536.2222, -226.3347, 37.666244, 212.51023)
name = "pinkcage",
label = "Pink Cage Motel",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
coords = vector3(320.82, -254.77, 72.66),
rot = vector3(-29.28, -0.0, 1.53),
spawn = vector4(313.76745, -230.6358, 53.990818, 153.79005)
name = "fishing",
label = "Fishing Spot",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
coords = vector3(-1879.11, -1254.358, 15.033),
rot = vector3(-14.85577, -0.0, -67.75),
spawn = vector4(-1850.43, -1232.158, 13.01728, 141.12789)
name = "vehicleshop",
label = "PDM",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
coords = vector3(-74.46, -1118.379, 32.82),
rot = vector3(-15.45, 4.26, -64.80),
spawn = vector4(-42.1563, -1108.702, 26.438091, 162.17939)
name = "prison",
label = "Prison",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
job = "police",
coords = vector3(1875.56, 2561.128, 55.37),
rot = vector3(-18.36, 1.70, 47.65),
spawn = vector4(1847.7116, 2585.9758, 45.67237, 100.0)
name = "hospital",
label = "Hospital",
adress = "Glen Park Boulevard, Los Santos.",
job = "ambulance",
coords = vector3(270.32, -564.83, 53.52),
rot = vector3(-29.46, -0.0, -123.25),
spawn = vector4(299.64801, -575.1514, 43.260845, 76.685317)
Last updated