Discover how to config your script.
To ensure you have everything you need, we are constantly updating our config files.
-- Change the framework to 'QB' or 'ESX':
zr_config.framework = 'QB'
-- If you have custom frameworks names, you can change them here:
zr_config.QB = 'qb-core'
zr_config.ESX = 'es_extended'
-- Set it to true if you want the Logout Button to Open Multicharacter instead of making you leave the server.
zr_config.MulticharacterLogout = false
-- You can change the background blur from here:
zr_config.zr_blur = 'MenuMGIn'
-- Change disconnect message from here:
zr_config.disconnect = '[zr-pausemenu] You have been disconnected from the server'
-- Put here your discord server invite link:
zr_config.discord = 'https://discord.gg/FwedjEV6kY'
-- Here you can add/remove jobs
zr_config.jobs = {
{id='police', name='police', suivname='officers', color='#00A8FF'},
{id='taxi', name='taxi', suivname='drivers', color='#FFFF00'},
{id='ems', name='ems', suivname='doctors', color='#FF5D5D'},
{id='mechanic', name='mechanic', suivname='technician', color='#00FFCB'},
{id='realestate', name='realestate', suivname='brokers', color='#FF9900'},
{id='trucker', name='trucker', suivname='drivers', color='#DB61FF'},
-- Here you can translate the script to the language you prefer
zr_trans.discord = 'join our discord.'
zr_trans.maps = 'MAPS'
zr_trans.mapstxt = 'SHOW THE MAP OF THE CITY.'
zr_trans.settings = 'SETTINGS'
zr_trans.settingstxt = 'OPEN GAME SETTINGS MENU.'
zr_trans.rulestitle = 'SERVER RULES'
zr_trans.rules = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker."
zr_trans.back = 'Go back to game.'
zr_trans.disconnect = 'Disconnect from server.'
zr_trans.infostitle = 'Character Information.'
zr_trans.fname = 'First Name'
zr_trans.lname = 'Last Name'
zr_trans.gender = 'Gender'
zr_trans.male = 'MALE'
zr_trans.female = 'FEMALE'
zr_trans.dob = 'Birthdate'
zr_trans.job = 'Job'
zr_trans.cash = 'Cash'
zr_trans.bank = 'Bank'
zr_trans.currency = '$'
Client Side :
local zr_menu_enabled = true
RegisterKeyMapping("zr-pausemenu:show", "", "keyboard", "ESCAPE")
RegisterCommand('zr-pausemenu:show', function ()
if not IsPauseMenuActive() and not IsNuiFocused() then
if not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
if (zr_menu_enabled) then
function zr_pausemenu_hide()
SetNuiFocus(false, false)
type = "zr-pausemenu:hide",
toggle = false,
AddEventHandler('zr-pausemenu:hide', function()
AddEventHandler('zr-pausemenu:disable', function()
zr_menu_enabled = false
AddEventHandler('zr-pausemenu:enable', function()
zr_menu_enabled = true
-- You can also add custom events to happen when you click on the disconnecting button.
function zr_call_logout()
TriggerEvent('zr-multicharacter:start') -- Replace this event to whatever you want event you want to be triggered after clicking on the Disconnect Button.
-- TriggerEvent('qb-multicharacter:client:chooseChar') For default qb-multicharacter
Hide/Disable Pause Menu when Player is dead.
Configuration for QBCore :
Step 1 : Open qb-ambulancejob -> client -> laststand.lua
Step 2 : Search for the SetLastStand function.
function SetLaststand(bool)
Step 3 : Add the following events
TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:hide') TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:disable') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should be: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetLaststand(bool) local ped = PlayerPedId() if bool then Wait(1000) while GetEntitySpeed(ped) > 0.5 or IsPedRagdoll(ped) do Wait(10) end local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped) local heading = GetEntityHeading(ped) TriggerServerEvent("InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource", "demo", 0.1) LaststandTime = Laststand.ReviveInterval if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped) local vehseats = GetVehicleModelNumberOfSeats(GetHashKey(GetEntityModel(veh))) for i = -1, vehseats do local occupant = GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh, i) if occupant == ped then NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.5, heading, true, false) SetPedIntoVehicle(ped, veh, i) end end else NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.5, heading, true, false) end SetEntityHealth(ped, 150) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then LoadAnimation("veh@low@front_ps@idle_duck") TaskPlayAnim(ped, "veh@low@front_ps@idle_duck", "sit", 1.0, 8.0, -1, 1, -1, false, false, false) else LoadAnimation(lastStandDict) TaskPlayAnim(ped, lastStandDict, lastStandAnim, 1.0, 8.0, -1, 1, -1, false, false, false) end InLaststand = true TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:hide') TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:disable') TriggerServerEvent('hospital:server:ambulanceAlert', Lang:t('info.civ_down')) CreateThread(function() while InLaststand do ped = PlayerPedId() local player = PlayerId() if LaststandTime - 1 > Laststand.MinimumRevive then LaststandTime = LaststandTime - 1 Config.DeathTime = LaststandTime elseif LaststandTime - 1 <= Laststand.MinimumRevive and LaststandTime - 1 ~= 0 then LaststandTime = LaststandTime - 1 Config.DeathTime = LaststandTime elseif LaststandTime - 1 <= 0 then QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t('error.bled_out'), "error") SetLaststand(false) local killer_2, killerWeapon = NetworkGetEntityKillerOfPlayer(player) local killer = GetPedSourceOfDeath(ped) if killer_2 ~= 0 and killer_2 ~= -1 then killer = killer_2 end local killerId = NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed(killer) local killerName = killerId ~= -1 and GetPlayerName(killerId) .. " " .. "("..GetPlayerServerId(killerId)..")" or Lang:t('info.self_death') local weaponLabel = Lang:t('info.wep_unknown') local weaponName = Lang:t('info.wep_unknown') local weaponItem = QBCore.Shared.Weapons[killerWeapon] if weaponItem then weaponLabel = weaponItem.label weaponName = weaponItem.name end TriggerServerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "death", Lang:t('logs.death_log_title', {playername = GetPlayerName(-1), playerid = GetPlayerServerId(player)}), "red", Lang:t('logs.death_log_message', {killername = killerName, playername = GetPlayerName(player), weaponlabel = weaponLabel, weaponname = weaponName})) deathTime = 0 OnDeath() DeathTimer() end Wait(1000) end end) else TaskPlayAnim(ped, lastStandDict, "exit", 1.0, 8.0, -1, 1, -1, false, false, false) InLaststand = false LaststandTime = 0 end TriggerServerEvent("hospital:server:SetLaststandStatus", bool) end
Step 4 : Open qb-ambulance -> client -> main.lua
Step 5 : Go to 'hospital:client:Revive' event
RegisterNetEvent('hospital:client:Revive', function()
Step 6 : Add the following Trigger after or before ResetAll()
TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:enable') ResetAll() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should be: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RegisterNetEvent('hospital:client:Revive', function() local player = PlayerPedId() if isDead or InLaststand then local pos = GetEntityCoords(player, true) NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, GetEntityHeading(player), true, false) isDead = false SetEntityInvincible(player, false) SetLaststand(false) end if isInHospitalBed then loadAnimDict(inBedDict) TaskPlayAnim(player, inBedDict , inBedAnim, 8.0, 1.0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) SetEntityInvincible(player, true) canLeaveBed = true end TriggerServerEvent("hospital:server:RestoreWeaponDamage") SetEntityMaxHealth(player, 200) SetEntityHealth(player, 200) ClearPedBloodDamage(player) SetPlayerSprint(PlayerId(), true) ResetAll() ResetPedMovementClipset(player, 0.0) TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:RelieveStress', 100) TriggerServerEvent("hospital:server:SetDeathStatus", false) TriggerServerEvent("hospital:server:SetLaststandStatus", false) TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:enable') emsNotified = false QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t('info.healthy')) end)
Configuration for ESX :
Step 1 : Open esx_ambulancejob > client -> main.lua
Step 2 : Add the following events under function OnPlayerDeath()
TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:hide') TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:disable') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should be: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnPlayerDeath() isDead = true ESX.CloseContext() ClearTimecycleModifier() SetTimecycleModifier("REDMIST_blend") SetTimecycleModifierStrength(0.7) SetExtraTimecycleModifier("fp_vig_red") SetExtraTimecycleModifierStrength(1.0) SetPedMotionBlur(PlayerPedId(), true) TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:setDeathStatus', true) StartDeathTimer() StartDeathCam() StartDistressSignal() TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:hide') TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:disable') end
Step 3 : Add the following Event in 'esx_ambulancejob:revive' event
TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:enable') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should be: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RegisterNetEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive') AddEventHandler('esx_ambulancejob:revive', function() local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed) TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:setDeathStatus', false) DoScreenFadeOut(800) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(50) end local formattedCoords = {x = ESX.Math.Round(coords.x, 1), y = ESX.Math.Round(coords.y, 1), z = ESX.Math.Round(coords.z, 1)} RespawnPed(playerPed, formattedCoords, 0.0) isDead = false TriggerEvent('zr-pausemenu:enable') ClearTimecycleModifier() SetPedMotionBlur(playerPed, false) ClearExtraTimecycleModifier() EndDeathCam() DoScreenFadeIn(800) end)
Last updated