
Possibility to configurate everything from commands to shortcuts to events and colors.

All translations are in the locale files displayed at the end of the showcase video.

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "en"

Config.resolutions = "720p" -- or "1080p" , "480p" , "360p" /  Image quality of the video to be recorded.
Config.timeout = 30000 -- In milliseconds, the amount of seconds the video will be divided so that it does not exceed the Discord loading size

Config.DefaultAvatar = "./img/avatar.png"

Config.ImageAPI = "https://api.fivemanage.com/api/image"
Config.VideoAPI = "https://api.fivemanage.com/api/video"

Config.Admin = {
    "a8fxxxxxxxxxxxxx7dbd2baaa7af12c68a057ed", -- Admin license

Config.ChatCommand = {
    [1] = {
        command = "adduser", -- You add a new user to the ticket.
        useAdmin = true 

Config.Command = {
    Report = "report",
    Record_Start = "startrecord",
    Record_Stop = "stoprecord",
    Screen_Shot = "screenshot"

Config.CommandKeyboard = {
    Report = "I",
    Record_Start = "f6",
    Record_Stop = "f7",
    Screen_Shot = "f9"

Config.HealEvent = function(targetId)
    local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))

    SetEntityHealth(targetPed, 200)

Config.ReviveEvent = function(targetId)
    local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))

-- NoN Framework
    SetEntityHealth(targetPed, 200)

-- ESX Framework
    --TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', targetId)

-- QBCore Framework
    --TriggerServerEvent('hospital:client:Revive', targetId)


Config.KillPlayer = function(targetId)
    local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(GetPlayerFromServerId(targetId))
    SetEntityHealth(targetPed, 200)
Config.Questions = {
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false
        title = "Can I track the status of my report?",
        text = "Yes, you can view the status of your reports in the 'My Reports' section.",
        visible = false

You want to make Vehicle Control Menu smaller ?

Go to style.css and look for #zr-container then and transform: scale(0.5); to the code. You can change the 0.5 value to your liking!

Set FiveManage API Keys :

The API Keys are moved to server side under this path : zerobug-reportsystem\main\server

    Discord = "",
    Video = "",
    Image = "" 

Last updated